February 25, 2009

January 29, 2009

January 09, 2009

January 01, 2009

December 23, 2008

December 16, 2008

December 13, 2008

December 11, 2008

December 04, 2008

November 24, 2008

CrossFit Friends

Sunday AM Kettlebell Workouts

  • Another workout survived!
    A sampling of images from CrossFit Koncepts Sunday morning workouts.

CrossFit KB Certification (06/08)

  • CrossFit Level I Kettlebell Certification - June 2008
    This album contains pictures from the Level I CrossFit Kettlebell Certification held on June 21st and 22nd, 2008. This event was held in Gaithersburg, Maryland at CrossFit Koncepts and was taught by Jeff Martone. Jeff was assisted by Mike Krivka, owner of CrossFit Koncepts.

CrossFit Koncepts 04/13/08 WOD

  • Ana (aka "The Energizer Bunny") knocking out some KB Snatches...
    This album contains pictures from the 04/13/08 Sunday Morning WOD. This workout is Mike Krivka's Birthday workout entitled "A Few of My Favorite Things...". It turned out to be a real "smoker" but the Sunday AM crew attacked it with gusto and most, if not all, completed the workout in less than 30 minutes!?!? John, who did it on Saturday AM and only got to level 4, returned on Sunday AM and completed the workout!

CrossFit Koncepts 04/06/08 WOD

  • Ana aka "The Energizer Bunny" knocking out Box jumps during FGB!
    This album contains pictures from the 04/06/08 Sunday Morning WOD that is a CrossFit staple: Fight Gone Bad. NOTE - We did this workout with the Saturday AM crew as well, which consisted of John, Krystal, Liz and "Dos" - and they all returned on Sunday AM to do it again!!!

KB Workout with Jeff Martone

  • Jeff and Mike during a KB Thruster cycle...
    Pictures from a quick KB workout with Jeff Martone the evening before the Level I CrossFit KB Certification at CrossFit Koncepts.

CrossFit KB Certification (03/08)

  • This album contains pictures from the Level I CrossFit Kettlebell Certification held on March 8th & 9th, 2008. This event was held in Gaitherburg, Maryland at CrossFit Koncepts and was taught by Jeff Martone. Jeff was assisted by Mike Krivka, owner of CrossFit Koncepts.

CrossFit KB Certification - San Diego, CA

  • Crossfit_kb_cert_2007
    This album contains pictures from the first CrossFit Kettlebell Certification (Level I). This event was held in San Diego, California at CrossFit San Diego and was taught by Jeff Martone. Jeff was assisted by his wife Maureen Martone and Mike Krivka.

Kettlebell Training